Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Post-it doodles!

I was bored while doing math homework so I doodled this on a post-it note. I'm reading a series called "the Chronicles of Vladimir Tod" and I got kindof addicted to it.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


我很高兴!!!! 我没有功课! Kind of. Kaikki minun täytyy tehdä, on kuunnella musiikkia! Language switches! lolz. "Kaikki minun täytyy tehdä, on kuunnella musiikkia" means "all I have to do is listen to music" I am not joking. I have to listen to music and... well you don't care. But listening to music is homework!!? wierd.

Shoop Da Whoop!!

Wow! I poofed off for quite a long time now. I almost forgot I have a blog. I just made some crappy digital art of the face from the lazer collection.(search "the lazer collection" on youtube) well... here it iz.